Monday, January 28, 2013

Eur/Usd 2y chart resistance with Negative RSI

2y chart. Note Negative RSI while price is rising

                                                             Same chart in 1 year time frame.
                                              If it backs out here, my target will be at-least 50% fib level

Some charts testing 3 sigma (std dev) resistance

Eur/Jpy on 2 y chart

Usd/Jpy on 2 y chart

                                                           Eur/Gbp on 1 y chart

DOW on All time chart with 2 std dev. 
Last time when it tested, we had a crash.
It is testing that level one more time.

EDITed on 1/28/2013
same thing $TRAN shows on LT chart, crash coming????

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Eur/Jpy resistance (weekly/daily)

Eur/Jpy weekly channel shows it is hitting 75% resistance on 5y chart. Note the RSI

Same chart on 1year-daily. Note the RSI

XJY chart: Inverse of usd/jpy at support

Eur/Usd, Eur/Cad, Eur/Gbp, Eur/Jpy, Gbp/Jpy, Usd/Jpy, Chf/Jpy, Cad/Jpy all have gone insane in this currency war. During these times, only black-swan event is the answer. For risk to go OFF, black-swan has to appear.

EDIT: Lots of currency charts especially JPY ones are touching the 3 sigma resistance now on multi year time frames (all the way from 1y to 5y). It's a rare event.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nzd/Jpy and ES comparison. ES SPX top is close by

Looking at this comparison chart of Nzd/Jpy and /ES. It seems that /ES will repeat history of March 2012 soon. To what extent? I do not know right now. However, all Xyz/Jpy charts are telling me that SPX top is close by. Risk OFF light will turn ON soon.